What is Auto-buddering?
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Auto-buddering is a phenomenon that occurs in specific cannabis concentrates, like shatter and pull ‘n’ snap, where their usual transparent texture changes to become opaque, waxy, or sugary in consistency.
This transformation is often caused by exposure to heat or humidity, but it can also result from agitation or impurities introduced during the extraction process.
Importantly, it should be noted that concentrates that have experienced auto-buddering are still safe to consume.
What Causes Auto-buddering?
Auto-buddering, or the process of a cannabis concentrate transforming into a sugary consistency, can be influenced by various factors.
To prevent auto-buddering, it is commonly advised among dabbers to store concentrates in cool and dark environments, such as a refrigerator.
This practice helps mitigate the effects of heat, humidity, and oxidation, which are known to contribute to the auto-buddering phenomenon.
Furthermore, the specific cultivar utilized for extraction plays a significant role in auto-buddering.
Notably, the terpene composition of the cultivar becomes crucial, as extracts with higher levels of terpenes tend to exhibit greater volatility during and after the extraction process.
In addition, agitation and impurities encountered during extraction can cause the breakdown and fracturing of cannabinoid crystals, leading to auto-buddering.
By understanding these factors and employing appropriate storage methods and extraction techniques, one can minimize auto-buddering in cannabis concentrates.
Should I Still Dab Auto-buddered Concentrates?
Are auto-buddered concentrates suitable for dabbing?
Absolutely. Auto-buddering alters the concentrate’s consistency, which might not appeal to dabbers who prefer a specific texture or consistency in their products.
However, it’s essential to note that auto-buddered concentrates remain entirely safe for consumption.
The decision to use them ultimately depends on personal preference regarding consistency.