Parts Per Million (PPM) What is Parts Per Million (PPM)? In liquid solutions, parts per million (ppm) measures concentration. In cannabis cultivation, ppm specifically...
Percolator What is a Percolator? A percolator is a type of water filtration system commonly used in water pipes and bongs...
Pesticides What is a Pesticides? Pesticides kill, repel, or suppress crop-damaging insects, rodents, fungus, and weeds. In cannabis cultivation, pesticides help...
Phellandrene What is Phellandrene? Phellandrene is a prominent terpene found in a wide variety of plants, herbs, and spices. In the...
Pheno-Hunting Pheno-hunting is the process of identifying and selecting desirable phenotypes of a cannabis strain. Phenotypes refer to the observable physical...
Phenolic Compounds Many plants, including cannabis, contain phenolic chemicals. Cannabis' phenolic components contribute to its effects and medicinal advantages. THC and CBD...
Phenotype The physical traits of an organism are its phenotype. It depends on genetics and the environment.  In cannabis, carefully analyzing...
Photoperiod What is Photoperiod? Photoperiod refers to the number of hours of light per day that a cannabis plant receives. The...
Phytocannabinoid The Greek word for "plant" is phytocannabinoids. CBD and THC are cannabis' primary phytocannabinoids. 100 phytocannabinoids cause cannabis effects. Understanding...
Phytol Cannabis plants are green because chlorophyll contains phytol, an organic alcohol. When heated, phytol gives cannabis an earthy, herbal smell...
Piece In cannabis culture, a "Piece" is slang terminology referring to any type of smoking apparatus used to consume cannabis flowers....
Pinene Pinene is a common cannabis terpene. Pinene has a pine-like fragrance, like evergreen woodlands. Alpha-pinene is the most frequent pinene...
Pinner What is a Pinner? A "Pinner" is cannabis culture slang for a thin, skinny marijuana cigarette or joint. Pinners are...
Pipe What is a Pipe? Cannabis pipes are a common type of smoking device used to consume flowers. Pipes come in...
Pistil What is a Pistil? The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a cannabis plant. Also known as the "stigma,"...
Plant Matter What is Plant Matter? Medical and psychotropic chemicals like THC and CBD are found in cannabis plant materials. This comprises...
Plug What is a Plug? A plug refers to a person who deals or sells cannabis. It comes from the slang...
Pod What is Pod? The pod refers to the part of the cannabis plant that contains seeds. It is an oval-shaped...
Pollen What is Pollen? Pollen refers to the fine, powdery substance produced by male cannabis plants in small sacs called catkins....
Pot What is Pot? Pot is a slang term for cannabis that emerged in the 1930s within the American jazz scene,...
Pound What is a Pound? A pound is a unit of weight equal to 16 ounces or 453.6 grams. A pound...
Pre-roll What is a Pre-roll? A pre-roll is a pre-rolled joint containing cannabis flowers. Pre-rolls provide a convenient, ready-to-smoke option compared...
Pre-run What is Pre-run? Pre-run refers to the initial oil extract from cannabis plants before full purification. It is the raw...
Private Reserve What are Private Reserve strains? Private reserve refers to exclusive, top-shelf strains of cannabis that are specially cultivated in small...
Propane Hash Oil (PHO) Propane hash oil, commonly known as PHO, is a type of cannabis extract and concentrate. It is produced through the...
Pulegone Pulegone is a monoterpenoid found in nature. Peppermint, pennyroyal, and Nepeta cataria essential oils contain it. Cannabis strains differ in...
Pull 'n' Snap Pull 'n' snap refers to a type of cannabis concentrate with a taffy-like consistency that can be stretched and pulled...
Purps Purps refers to any strain or type of cannabis that exhibits a distinctly purple coloration on buds, leaves and stems....
Parts Per Million (PPM) What is Parts Per Million (PPM)? In liquid solutions, parts per million (ppm) measures concentration. In cannabis cultivation, ppm specifically...
Percolator What is a Percolator? A percolator is a type of water filtration system commonly used in water pipes and bongs...
Pesticides What is a Pesticides? Pesticides kill, repel, or suppress crop-damaging insects, rodents, fungus, and weeds. In cannabis cultivation, pesticides help...
Phellandrene What is Phellandrene? Phellandrene is a prominent terpene found in a wide variety of plants, herbs, and spices. In the...
Pheno-Hunting Pheno-hunting is the process of identifying and selecting desirable phenotypes of a cannabis strain. Phenotypes refer to the observable physical...
Phenolic Compounds Many plants, including cannabis, contain phenolic chemicals. Cannabis' phenolic components contribute to its effects and medicinal advantages. THC and CBD...
Phenotype The physical traits of an organism are its phenotype. It depends on genetics and the environment.  In cannabis, carefully analyzing...
Photoperiod What is Photoperiod? Photoperiod refers to the number of hours of light per day that a cannabis plant receives. The...
Phytocannabinoid The Greek word for "plant" is phytocannabinoids. CBD and THC are cannabis' primary phytocannabinoids. 100 phytocannabinoids cause cannabis effects. Understanding...
Phytol Cannabis plants are green because chlorophyll contains phytol, an organic alcohol. When heated, phytol gives cannabis an earthy, herbal smell...
Piece In cannabis culture, a "Piece" is slang terminology referring to any type of smoking apparatus used to consume cannabis flowers....
Pinene Pinene is a common cannabis terpene. Pinene has a pine-like fragrance, like evergreen woodlands. Alpha-pinene is the most frequent pinene...
Pinner What is a Pinner? A "Pinner" is cannabis culture slang for a thin, skinny marijuana cigarette or joint. Pinners are...
Pipe What is a Pipe? Cannabis pipes are a common type of smoking device used to consume flowers. Pipes come in...
Pistil What is a Pistil? The pistil is the female reproductive organ of a cannabis plant. Also known as the "stigma,"...
Plant Matter What is Plant Matter? Medical and psychotropic chemicals like THC and CBD are found in cannabis plant materials. This comprises...
Plug What is a Plug? A plug refers to a person who deals or sells cannabis. It comes from the slang...
Pod What is Pod? The pod refers to the part of the cannabis plant that contains seeds. It is an oval-shaped...
Pollen What is Pollen? Pollen refers to the fine, powdery substance produced by male cannabis plants in small sacs called catkins....
Pot What is Pot? Pot is a slang term for cannabis that emerged in the 1930s within the American jazz scene,...
Pound What is a Pound? A pound is a unit of weight equal to 16 ounces or 453.6 grams. A pound...
Pre-roll What is a Pre-roll? A pre-roll is a pre-rolled joint containing cannabis flowers. Pre-rolls provide a convenient, ready-to-smoke option compared...
Pre-run What is Pre-run? Pre-run refers to the initial oil extract from cannabis plants before full purification. It is the raw...
Private Reserve What are Private Reserve strains? Private reserve refers to exclusive, top-shelf strains of cannabis that are specially cultivated in small...
Propane Hash Oil (PHO) Propane hash oil, commonly known as PHO, is a type of cannabis extract and concentrate. It is produced through the...
Pulegone Pulegone is a monoterpenoid found in nature. Peppermint, pennyroyal, and Nepeta cataria essential oils contain it. Cannabis strains differ in...
Pull 'n' Snap Pull 'n' snap refers to a type of cannabis concentrate with a taffy-like consistency that can be stretched and pulled...
Purps Purps refers to any strain or type of cannabis that exhibits a distinctly purple coloration on buds, leaves and stems....


What is Permaculture?
Written by Gaanja Heal
Fact Checked by Doctor Name

What is Permaculture?

Working with nature rather than against it is the basis of permaculture agriculture.

Promaculture aims to create a self-sufficient, sustainable environment that fulfills its requirements forever.

Permaculture integrates human activity with natural cycles to reduce external inputs.

Key Principles

Some key principles of permaculture include utilizing natural pest control methods, actively composting to recycle nutrients, strategically interplanting crops to maximize space and resources, and recycling water and nutrients within the system so nothing is wasted.

Applying these techniques to cannabis cultivation promotes healthier soil, more efficient water use, and natural pest management, resulting in higher-quality cannabis grown in an ethical, eco-friendly manner.


Various permaculture practices such as cover cropping, companion planting, and vermicomposting can be incorporated into both indoor and outdoor marijuana grows.

Using permaculture principles minimizes the need for artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and intensive labor.

For a more holistic approach to agriculture, permaculture considers how all ecosystem aspects may work together.

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