What is Photoperiod?
Photoperiod refers to the number of hours of light per day that a cannabis plant receives. The photoperiod influences cannabis flowering and growth patterns.
By controlling photoperiod, cultivators can manipulate cannabis development for optimized yields. Understanding photoperiod requirements is key to successful cannabis cultivation.
Cannabis is a short-day flowering plant, meaning it initiates flowering when daylight hours become shorter.
During the vegetative stage, cannabis requires over 14-16 hours of direct light daily. Reducing this light exposure below 12 hours triggers hormonal changes that induce flowering.
Longer dark periods also stimulate faster bud development. Indoor growers leverage photoperiod manipulation to optimize yields year-round.
Outdoors natural seasonal changes in daylight prompt marijuana flowering. Growers choosing crop timing and cultivars must consider photoperiod needs for their climate.
Overall, photoperiod is a critical environmental variable for cannabis crops.