What is a Splash Guard?
A splash guard, also called a screen or bowl screen, is a small accessory used in smoking devices like bowls and bongs to prevent material from being pulled through into the mouthpiece.
It is a flat circular screen that sits in the bowl, typically made from stainless steel or brass.
Splash guards serve a few key functions:
- Filtration – The fine mesh screen stops ash, chunks of flower, and other debris from being inhaled by filtering them out in the bowl. This provides a smoother, cleaner smoking experience.
- Preventing Scooby Snacks – Scooby snacks refer to bits of cannabis that pull through the pipe and end up in your mouth. Splash guards block these green bits from reaching your mouth.
- Cooling – The screen diffuses airflow and allows more air to mix in the bowl, slightly cooling the smoke before inhalation.
- Protecting glass – Keeps ash and particles from blocking airways and stems, keeps bowl cleaner. Less buildup preserves the glass.
Splash guards are easy to install – just place in the bottom of the bowl gently.
Over time, residue will build up and restrict airflow, so screens should be changed periodically.
It’s also important to pick the right size that fits the bowl snugly.
Splash guards come in standard diameters like 5mm, 6mm, or 8mm.
Using a splash guard helps optimize airflow and filtration for the best smoking experience.