Is Weed Legal in Alabama? – Alabama Marijuana Laws 2024

Alabama Marijuana Laws
Written by Gaanja Heal
Fact Checked by Doctor Name

Introduction – Is Marijuana Legal in Alabama?

Is weed legal in Alabama?

The Alabama laws were implanted on June 6, 2023. Alabama is the only state that jails its people for possession of cannabis. With the implementation of the Alabama Marijuana law, the number of cannabis consumers reduced.

Research made at Western Carolina University shows that police in Alabama arrested 2,351 for marijuana possession in 2016. Check out the data on the official site of Alabama Marijuana law

Cannabis in Alabama is not legal for recreational use. In the case of using cannabis in Alabama, you can be fined up to $ 6000, and you are punished for more than a year in prison. Due to this, your driver’s license must get a suspension.

But the medical use of cannabis is legalized in Alabama. It was passed by the legislation and signed by ex-Governor Kay Ivey.

Cannabis medically uses for disorders diseases like OCD, seizure disorder and much more disorders are treatable with this. Check the history of Alabama marijuana law and more that how it uses for seizure disorder on this link.

Cannabis stabilizes mode, and it addicts people sometimes. That’s why medical stores only sell tablets on behalf of a professional psychiatrist prescription. CBD oil will be used for the disorder. 

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The Medical Bill Legalized 2021

Alabama Marijuana Laws
Alabama Marijuana Laws

The medical bill was legalized on May 17, 2021, Governor Kay Ivey signed senate bill 46, the Shared Wesley ATO Hall compassion law.

This bill permits the use of cannabis with a professional doctor’s recommendation for patient treatment of around 15 qualifying conditions listed in the bill. 

Patients can also use cannabis if the traditional medicine not getting better so with doctor certification they can use cannabis in Alameda. 

Medical Marijuana Qualifing Conditions in Alabama

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Anxiety, Panic Disorders
  • Autism/Asperger Syndrome
  • Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Similar Conditions
  • Chronic Pain, Muscle Pain and Other Types of Pain
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Depression
  • Epilepsy
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Palliative Care (Admittance Into Hospice)
  • Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Sickle Cell Diseases (SCDs)
  • Tourette Syndrome

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Other State Guide to Marijuana Legalization

StateLegalization statusAdult use?Medical marijuana?Decriminalized statewide?
Alabama Marijuana LawMedicalNoYesYes
Alaska Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Arizona Marijuana LawAdult useYesYesN/A
Arkansas Marijuanas LawsMedicalNoYesNo
California Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Colorado Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Connecticut Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Delaware Marijuanas LawAdult useYesYesYes
Florida Marijuanas LawMedicalNoYesNo
Georgia Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Hawaii Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesYes
Idaho Marijuanas LawIllegalNoNoNo
Illinois Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Indiana Marijuana LawsIllegalNoNoNo
Iowa Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Kansas Marijuanas LawIllegalNoNoNo
Kentucky Marijuanas LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Louisiana Marijuanas LawMedicalNoYesNo
Maine Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Maryland Marijuanas LawAdult useYesYesYes
Massachusetts Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Michigan Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesN/A
Minnesota Marijuanas LawsMedicalNoYesYes
Mississippi Marijuanas LawsMedicalNoYesYes
Missouri Marijuanas LawAdult useYesYesYes
Montana Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesN/A
Nebraska Marijuanas LawIllegalNoNoYes
Marijuana Laws in NevadaAdult useYesYesYes
New Hampshire Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesYes
New Jersey Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesN/A
New Mexico Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
New York Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
North Carolina Marijuana LawsIllegalNoNoYes
North Dakota Medical Marijuanas LawsMedicalNoYesYes
Ohio Marijuana LawMedicalNoYesYes
Oklahoma Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Oregon Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Pennsylvania Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Rhode Island Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
South Carolina Marijuanas LawIllegalNoNoNo
South Dakota Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Tennessee Marijuana LawsIllegalNoNoNo
Texas Medical Marijuanas LawsIllegalNoNoNo
Utah Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
Vermont Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Virginia Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
Washington State  Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesN/A
Washington DC Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesYes
West Virginia Marijuanas LawMedicalNoYesNo
Wisconsin Marijuana LawsIllegalNoNoNo
Wyoming Marijuanas LawIllegalNoNoNo
Guam Marijuana LawsAdult useYesYesN/A
Puerto Rico Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesNo
US Virgin Islands Marijuana LawsMedicalNoYesYes

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Cannabis Penalty Details in Alabama

Personal use 

The personal use of cannabis is illegal under Alabama marijuana law. Which is known as the A class act, the maximum for this act is up to one year in jail or a $6000 fine.

Nonpersonal use

 For non-personal use, you will be arrested under class D the minimum jail for this act is 1 day 6 and the maximum up to 6 years jail. And fine for non-personal use is $7,500.

Instead of this keeping marijuana with you is also an illegal act of class C, minimum jail for this act is 1 day or maximum 10 years jail or up to $15,000 fine. 

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-214
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-213
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-211
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-215


Controlled cannabis marijuana is illegal, it is an act B crime under this act 2 years in jail or a maximum of 20 years jails in prison along with a $30,000 fine.

Selling cannabis to underage people is a crime. Jails for this act are for up to 10 years and maximum life long and a $30,000 fine.

Selling weed nearby schools is an additional crime under this extra 5 years of jail charged will be added.

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-231


The forming and selling of marijuana is considered a crime. Making it ready for people to sell or send them is a very illegal act as well.

It is considered smuggling of Marijuana, which is a crime. Jail for this is mandatory, with up to 3 years in jail and a $25,000 fine for this act.

100 pound to 1,000 pound smuggling of marijuana is a crime under this up to 5 years jail in prison and a $50,000 fine will be charged. 

500 pounds to 1,000 pounds is also considered an illegal act, under this you will be jailed for a maximum of 15 years and a fine of $200,000. Above 1,000 pounds smuggling is a crime and for this minimum lifelong jail.

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Cultivation of the cannabis marijuana in Alabama is a crime. The section depends on the quantity of the cultivation. According to that, you will find. 


Manufacturing marijuana in Alabama is an illegal act under Alabama Marijuana law, you can not manufacture marijuana materials in Alabama.

Validating the Alabama marijuana law you could be guilty and jailed for years. It is a class B crime. 

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-217

Hash & concentrates 

In Alabama cocaine and THC are Schedule 1 material. Keeping this material is a class-D crime. Under class D up to 1 year to 5 years jail.

Hash and concentrate are considered second controlled material which is a crime of class B that is punishable.

The jail for class B is up to 2 years and a fine of around $30,000. Manufacturing marijuana is considered smuggling which is strict and punishable.

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-212
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-217
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-218

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Selling of the things paraphernalia is class A crime of corruption. Under this, you will be jailed for 1 year and $6,000 fined.

Younger than 3 years or more than that man for selling paraphernalia is considered a class B crime the maximum jail for this is 20 years and a fine of $30,000.

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-260(c)(1)-(2)
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-260(e)(1)
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-260(d)(1)-(2)
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-260(d)(1)-(2)


Marijuana smuggling will result in 6 months of suspension of driving license.

  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-231
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-290
  • Code of Alabama §13A-12-291

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